Runners, either who run outdoors or run with a treadmill in gym often feel very confused about some strange things like whether it’s normal to fart during their running?
Actually it’s very normal to fart during exercise. And it’s more gentle to fart during running than during many other intensive exercises like it’s not hardly to hear the news that a weightlifting athlete breaks his tight sweatpants open when lifting weights. That’s because exercise can promote the peristalsis of the stomach and help us digest. During the digestion, gases are easily produced and exhausted before the end of exercise because of long time or high load exercise. But if the gases exhausted smell bad, it’s probably caused by indigestion.
The second thing that few people know is that it’s not good to take a shower as soon as we finish our running. Our physiological mechanism is easily disrupted if we take a shower after running, whether we use cold or worm water, which will lead to dizziness, nausea and general weakness because of heart, brain or other important organs’ insufficient blood supply. More seriously, it may cause syncope and shock. So we should not take a bath immediately after running but do other activities that can help us relax. For example, do a set of stretching exercise can not only greatly relieve muscle fatigue, but also calm the body and mind.