There is an old saying: Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety-nine. How to explain exercising after a meal in a scientific way?
From the perspective of the intensity of fitness. We can do light exercise like taking a walk, doing square dance or practising taijiquan during half an hour to an hour after a meal. We can do moderate exercise during the period of an hour to two hours after we finish our meal, like jogging, doing slimnastics, riding a bike and so on. But if we want to do some high intensity exercise like long-distence running, doing rope skipping, playing football, playing basketball etc., we should start our exercise after we finish our meal for more than two hours.
From the perspective of our meal quantity and types, if we eat a lot in a meal and what we eat is full of protein and fat which are not good for digestion, we should do exercose after two hours. On the contrary, if we eat not too much in a meal and we only eat some food that is easily to digest, for example vegetables, fruit, liquid etc., we can start our fitness according to our sport intensity.
What should after a meal for good digestion?
Rest should be the main thing after we finish our meal within half an hour. During this period, it's very good for us to sit with our families and friends and chat with them about something happy, which can help us keep good emotion and leave us time to take a good digestion after a meal.
We should keep in mind that even we have finished our meal a few hours ago, we should be concerned of not doing high intensity training too often and be aware of the condition of our body. It's recommended to eat some food that is easily digested if we have known we are going to do fitness to lessen the burden of our stomach.